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This week is a big week for the MOVE Congress 2019. Because not only are we able to offer our first Extreme Early Bird tickets, we can also reveal the first confirmed speakers who will join us on 16-18 October 2019 in Budapest!

We have expanded the MOVE Congress from four to five tracks this year to cover more aspects of the grassroots sport and physical activity sector, and offer interactive workshops that will give you more opportunities to get into the game.


  • Markos Aristides Kern, Founder and CEO of Fun With Balls, Germany (Keynote speaker)
  • Jeroen Laven, Stipo, Netherlands
    (Redefining an “active lifestyle” with MOVEment Spaces )
  • Aaron Kearney, Consultant and Journalist in International Development, Australia
    (Carving a new niche with grassroots sport diplomacy)
  • Silvija Mitevska, Global Sports Mentoring Program and TAKT Macedonia
    (Carving a new niche with grassroots sport diplomacy)
  • Dr Sami Kokko, University of Jyväskylä Research Centre for Health Promotion, Finland
    (Game-changers connecting physical activity and health)
  • Dr Jacqueline Mair, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
    (Game-changers connecting physical activity and health)
  • Jakub Kalinowski, Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance, Poland
    (Discovering new perspectives on physical activity promotion among school children)
  • Zoltán Vass, EU Physical Activity Label for Schools, Hungary
    (Discovering new perspectives on physical activity promotion among school children)
  • Agata Dziarnowska, Policy Officer at EU Sport Unit, Belgium
    (Opening new doors to funding and support)

Speaker spotlight
Markos Aristides Kern, Founder and CEO of Fun With Balls
Keynote speaker Markos Aristides Kern will invite MOVE Congress participants into his world of ‘Sportification’, as he demonstrates how he revolutionised an overlooked grassroots sport through gamification and digital technology. Videos of Kern’s interactive squash went viral earlier this year, making him one of the most sought after speakers in grassroots sport in 2019. His out-of-the-box entrepreneurial outlook and passion for physical activity are so infectious that we guarantee you will take home a virtual goodie bag full of ideas from his presentation.

More on Markos’ innovative approach to sport https://funwithballs.com/

Speaker spotlight
Agata Dziarnowska, Policy Officer at EU Sport Unit
If you’re looking for insights into how EU funding works, and the opportunities on offer to non-profit physical activity promoters and grassroots sport organisations, you won’t find many people who have more know-how than Agata Dziarnowska. In fact, Agata has insights into almost all of the MOVE Congress track topics, being responsible for education and training in sport, sport diplomacy and relations with Council and Presidencies at the European Commission – Direction General for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport – Sport Unit. Don’t miss our fundraising track where Agata and representatives from corporate donors and foundations could help change the game for your future fundraising efforts.

More on the EU Sport Unit

Aaron Kearney_

Speaker spotlight
Aaron Kearney, Consultant and Journalist in International Development
Multi-award-winning Australian broadcaster, photo-journalist and sports commentator Aaron Kearney is ready to share how he became a grassroots sport diplomat through his work. What is Grassroots Sport Diplomacy and how are physical activity promoters carving this new niche across the world? Aaron will take you on a journey through the Asia-Pacific, where he has sensitively navigated subjects such as gender equality, disability and cultural exchange through grassroots sport programmes.

More about Aaron’s work through ABC International Development

We will soon launch a more detailed programme, powered by Whova, here. Stay tuned for more confirmed speakers!