About The Speaker
Elena Marin-Yanez
Elena Marin-Yanez is Head of Programmes and Grants at Laureus Sport for Good, based in London. She has +15 year experience in the International Development sector, with a special focus on vulnerable children and young people living in poverty, violence or with disabilities. She has expertise in designing and managing complex programmes across Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America, and developing partnerships with grassroots organisations and institutional stakeholders such as the EU and International Development Agencies from the UK (DfID), Sweden (SIDA), Spain (AECID), Norway (NORAD) and United States (USAID), among others. Elena joined Laureus Sport for Good in 2018, where she applies her expertise on youth and International Development to the Sport for Development sector. Before that, she specialised in a broad range of gender focused programmes, from trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation (from Latin America to Europe), tackling gender-based violence policies in Spain, and delivering psychosocial support to women in rehabilitation for drugs abuse. BA in Political Science and International Affairs, Postgraduate in International Development Studies and MA in Evaluation of Public Policies by the Complutense University of Madrid.