Interview with #MOVEinaClick winner Greta Vaisėtaitė
This year the MOVE Congress held a photo contest for the first time called MOVE in a Click, inviting people worldwide to enter images that said something about physical activity to them. The winning photo was a black and white titled “No Limits” by 18-year-old Lithuanian secondary school student Greta Vaisėtaitė. ISCA spoke to Greta about what motivated her to enter the contest and the story behind “No Limits”.
1. How did you find out about the MOVE in a Click photo contest?
I found it in website.
2. Why did you decide to send a photo for the MOVE in a Click photo contest?
When I participated in one contest last year, I filled in a postcard, on which I promised to myself to say “why not?” more. So, I started to look more optimistically at the world. I started to participate in various contests from then on.
3. What is the idea behind your photo? What does it say about physical activity?
Everyone can do sports. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how you look and so on.
4. Why did you take a picture of a boy and a girl playing basketball? And is there any reason why the girl is wearing a dress and has bare feet? And why did you call it No Limits?
That picture I took accidentally. They just played basketball and made a huge contrast, which I liked. Why No Limits? Because we see that girl isn’t ready to do sports and I just wanted to say that to do sports we don’t need to be ready – we can do it without any reason.
5. What is your idea of a good photo?
The most important aspects of a good photo for me are quality and a well expressed idea.
See below some other contributions for the #MOVEINACLICK