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The MOVE Congress 2023 is just around the corner!

ISCA established the MOVE Congress 14 years ago to gather our members, project partners and wider network, including experts from the non-profit sport and physical activity sector, health, urban planning and education, all in one place for some seriously active networking!

Now we’re ready to get this show on the road again – we’re looking forward to welcoming almost 400 international delegates in Madrid next week. How has our signature conference evolved since 2009?

Here are some of the features of the 2023 event that would have been truly futuristic back then:
  • The MOVE Congress app, powered by Cvent: Power up your conference experience with networking at your fingertips, the full updated programme and speaker list, and some gamification to keep you on your toes between sessions. Only registered participants can download the app. Find out how
  • Fit for the digital age AI workshop: Designed especially for beginners, this interactive and informative peer-to-peer workshop will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) tools can benefit small non-profit organisations.
  • A grassroots esports debate: “A grassroots what??” “You know, video games in sports clubs.” “Surely that’s the opposite of being active??” “Well, it doesn’t need to be – you see, we’ll talk more about that in the debate (stay tuned for the recording if we don’t see you there…).” Fun fact, it’s not as futuristic as we think: “Esports traces its origins back to 1972, when home consoles first became common. In 1980, the first nationwide Space Invaders competition was held with 10,000 participants. A year later, gamers competed in the surprisingly cutthroat, inaugural Donkey Kong tournament.” SIUE Esports
  • Instagram galleries and stories, LinkedIn updates: Did you know that Instagram was born in 2009 and was called Burbn? And that LinkedIn started 2009 with 37 million users and will end 2023 with over 950 million users? And that these are our 2 most active social media channels today? Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn
  • A Fishbowl… on the stage! We’re trying an innovative panel format (the Fishbowl) that invites the audience join the stage as speakers – one “fish” at a time…
Check out all session previews at https://www.movecongress.com/updates/

Despite these futuristic features and digital transition of today’s conferences, nothing beats the essence of the MOVE Congress – the in-person dialogue, hugs and knowledge exchange between real people.

We’ll share all the highlights from the conference right here in our wrap-up newsletter after the event – we guarantee a little FOMO for those who miss out on the in-person experience. And we’ll see all attendees next week in Madrid!

Bonus question: Was this article generated by a) AI b) Human c) Dancer?
If you answered b) Human, you get a virtual point!

Psst! The official MOVE Congress visuals were also created by a human, Elitsa Dimitrova from Crunchy Oyster design studio.
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